Innovative Teaching Award

The Innovative Teaching Award honors part-time faculty and graduate teaching assistants for excellence in designing and teaching English 110. In addition to recognizing sustained excellence in teaching, the award highlights the design of innovative writing assignments that inspire departmental colleagues and sponsors critical and imaginative work by students.

In order to be considered for an Innovative Teaching Award, you must have taught English 110 for at least two semesters at the University of Delaware. You may not apply for an Innovative Assignment Award if you have won one in the previous two years.

The Composition Program Executive Committee will judge submissions. We will seek to recognize excellence as shown by

  • An innovative and well-crafted assignment for English 110.
  • The potential of the assignment to sponsor effective student work.
  • Clear connections to the Goals and Practices of English 110.

Award winners will be honored at an end-of-the-semester program event in May, and their assignments will be posted on the One Hundred Ten program blog.

TO APPLY, please submit the following:

Innovative Assignment
The text of an innovative assignment you have designed and used in a section of English 110. Please include all materials connected with the assignment that you share with students.

Reflective Statement
A brief description (500 words) of the learning goals for your assignment, along with an explanation of how the assignment connects to the English 110 teaching goals and practices.

Student Responses
Two pieces composed by students that illustrate the range and quality of the work prompted by the assignment.

Please include all these materials in a single Word document. Title this document Lastname Teaching Award 2016.

Due date for the 2016 award, TBA.